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Affordable Care Act Includes Dental Care

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has given you a lot more to think about when it comes to your employees’ health benefits. That’s why Delta Dental wants to reassure you that when it comes to health care reform and your dental and vision benefits, we have you covered.

Essential Health Benefits and Pediatric Dental Services

  • The ACA requires health insurance offered in the individual and small group (1 to 50 employees) markets to include coverage for 10 essential health benefits (EHBs), one of which is pediatric dental care.
  • Large employers (51 or more employees) generally cover the 10 EHBs and are not required by the ACA to offer their employees this coverage.
  • Today in Iowa, the definition of a large group is 51 or more employees. ​

Coverage for Children up to Age 26

Children up to age 26 are eligible for coverage under their parents/guardians’ health care plans, regardless of marital status, dependent status, student status or residency. Although this provision does not apply to stand-alone dental or vision insurance, Delta Dental of Iowa applies this coverage to all small group plans and lets large groups choose whether to include coverage for eligible children up to the age of 26.

The content provided is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as legal or tax advice or opinion relative to any specific issue. Additional changes may be made to the Federal or State regulations described in this message. You should consider consulting with your lawyer or tax advisor before acting based on this information.