Your Delta Dental and DeltaVision Benefits
As a Mercy Cedar Rapids employee, you can choose to enroll in dental benefits and one of the offered vision plans - Premier or Base. Click on the links below to get more information on your benefits options.

Dental Plan Summary
Outlines your benefits, frequencies and deductibles.

Dental Plan Certificate
Details on your plan and how Delta Dental processes claims.

Vision Plan Summary
Outline of your benefits, frequencies and deductibles.

Vision Plan Certificate
Details on your plan and how Delta Dental processes vision claims.

View benefits, claims and print an ID card. (Requires registration once enrolled)

More information on coverage for braces.

Additional vision benefits for members with diabetes.

Services like check-ups and cleanings do not count toward your annual benefit maximum.

Claim a FREE pair of sunglasses when you get an annual eye exam through your DeltaVision benefits.
Learn More About Your Dental Plan
Learn More About Your Vision Plan
Additional Benefits
As a Delta Dental member, you have access to additional benefits.
- Hearing Discount - information on hearing discount exclusive to Delta Dental members.
- Contacts Direct - get discounted prices for contacts and use code "DELTAVISION" for free shipping.
Getting the Most Out of Your Benefits
Taking care of your dental and vision health improves your overall health. Make the most of your benefits by going to an in-network dentist and eye doctor. Learn more about our networks.
Healthy & Happy Smiles
Your mouth and vision play a vital role in your overall health, which is why Delta Dental encourages preventive checkups in our coverage.
- A Healthy Life - our blog includes the latest health information to maintain a healthy life.
- Oral Health Library - index of common oral health terms.
- Resources - more information on Delta Dental and using your benefits.