Oral Health On-Demand is a Thing Now. Here's Why:
By Caroline Jacobson on April 12, 2016 in Just for Kicks

Netflix was the birth of delivery-on-demand. Fast-forward to 2016, and you'll find there's a box subscription for nearly everything. Oral health is no exception, and has joined that army of recurring delivery services. So yes—we're all for at-home oral health care on demand. Here's why:
1. It's fit for the whole family.
Mix and match subscription services, or find one that offers products for every age in your family.
2. You always need a new one.
Believe it or not, you should get a new toothbrush every 3 months. They become less effective with every use, so why not have them delivered to your door?
3. It's affordable.
$3 a month is a price you won't notice.
4. It's easy.
One subscription even puts the expiration date on the front of its products, and another sends you dentist appointment reminder cards!
5. It's fun!
Some subscription services come with fun extras like coloring pages and games for kids, or mints and lip balm for adults.