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Restoration vs Dentures – How Will My Dentures Look?

By Shelby Tatomir on June 25, 2019 in Dental Health

Dentures are an alternative many older adults turn to when tooth loss becomes a reality. Get all the

If you or someone you love has lost some teeth over the years, you’re not alone. Almost 15 percent of seniors in Iowa have had all their teeth removed. Since it’s an issue that many seniors face, it’s important to know the options available after tooth loss. If you or someone you love is wondering, “What do dentures look like?” or “How will dentures change the way I look?” we have the answers.

Time Frames and Tooth Removal When Getting Dentures

Just like teeth or fingerprints, dentures are unique to each person. Conventional dentures are a molded to custom-fit your mouth after healing takes place from tooth removal. Oral and overall health both impact how quickly an individual can get their dentures after tooth removal. It’s important to remember that the healing process is different for each person and can take up to several months.

After healing, it usually takes a few visits to the dentist to fit and adjust the dentures so they feel comfortable and natural. Because this process can leave people without teeth for weeks, immediate dentures are available for wearing the same day that tooth removal is done. For more details on types of dentures, click here.

Habits Impact Dentures

It’s important to look at your daily habits when deciding whether dentures are right for you. Dentures require that you:

  • care for them every day,
  • visit the dentist regularly to ensure they continue to fit correctly, and
  • maintain a healthy diet.

Your oral health also plays an important role in how prepared your mouth is for dentures. Because oral and overall health will impact healing periods, be sure to inform your dentist of any health conditions and medications you are taking.

Diet and Dentures

Studies show that people with tooth loss and people with poor oral health often have trouble chewing and swallowing. These people may opt for easier to chew foods that often are higher in sugar and fat than foods that are more difficult to chew like fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. This can lead to a lack of energy and nutrient deficiencies.

After dentures are fitted, more nutritious foods can and should be added back into the diet that were previously left out. Eating a more balanced diet can give you a healthier appearance and support muscle mass, too!

The Fit of Dentures

At first, like a retainer or braces, wearing dentures will take some time to feel normal. Your cheek and tongue muscles will need some time to adjust, so don’t worry if they feel awkward at first. Minor irritation or soreness is common for someone new to dentures. You may also find that you experience more saliva production. This saliva increase helps the mouth adjust to the new dentures and will keep food particles from getting stuck under the dentures.

The appearance of dentures will vary depending on how they fit. If a person’s dentures are loose, they may shift around in the mouth causing discomfort. It’s critically important that dentures are properly fitted to the mouth and people with dentures continue to visit the dentist. Talk to your dentist about implant supported dentures if you have a history of problems with dentures fitting or if you are new to dentures altogether.

Avoiding Problems with the Appearance of Dentures

  • As soon as you feel soreness from dentures, book an appointment with your dentist to ensure they’re fitting the best they can. The dentist can offer a soft, gum-like material to cushion in the meantime.
  • While adjusting, nutrition shakes can help as a meal replacement to ensure you’re staying healthy, but not putting any extra pressure on your mouth.
  • Remove dentures for about four hours a day or overnight and store in denture solution or water. This will help it preserve its shape, and allow the soft tissues of the mouth to remain healthy.
  • Denture cream is helpful when used properly. A small amount can be used to seal a denture, but don’t use it as a crutch for ill-fitting dentures. Products with the ADA Seal have been evaluated for safety and effectiveness.
  • Proper oral health is important. Use a soft bristle toothbrush and a non-abrasive denture cleaner to brush all surfaces, on the inside and outer surfaces of the dentures. Don’t forget to rinse your mouth thoroughly, too!

One reason why people don’t get dental care as they age is due to lack of dental insurance. Set yourself or your loved one up for success with an individual plan from Delta Dental of Iowa. Maintain smile health at every age by ensuring quality dental benefits are available to support a healthy dental care routine. Contact us for more information.

Looking for more on the dental health of older adults? Check out: