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Which Delta Dental network should I recommend to my client, Delta Dental Premier or Delta Dental PPO?

The Delta Dental Premier network provides access to more than 90 percent of the dentists in Iowa and over 80 percent of the providers1 nationwide.  The Delta Dental PPO network includes 40 percent of the dentists in Iowa and nationwide1. The PPO network offers greater savings to employers and employees, while the Premier network offers greater access to providers. Members are free to go to any dentist, but may save more money by going to a PPO or Premier network dentist.

Delta Dental can provide a list of providers in our networks by geographic area based on your employee locations nationwide. We can provide the information in list form and on a map to show the distance between employees and the nearest Delta Dental dentist.

For a complete list of participating Delta Dental dentists, visit our dentist search tool.


1 Netminder, 2016

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