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Oral Health Life Stages: 12 Years Old+

By Jill Feilmeier on February 25, 2014 in Kid's Health

Dad and daughters making a salad

As your children reach this age, you might notice a few quirks in their smile. Gaps in their teeth might be visible and their teeth may no longer be properly aligned. This is a common occurrence as a child's adult set of teeth begins to take root. Luckily, there are many ways to solve a crooked smile.

Orthodontia or more commonly known as braces is a treatment for the correction of irregular teeth. In fact, the word “orthodontia” comes from the Greek orthos, meaning “straight, perfect or proper”, and dontos, which means “teeth”. Orthodontists are specialists who work to correct a misshapen smile using tools such as braces and headgears.

Patients who visit an orthodontist may need specialized care that your general dentist might not be trained to provide. Treatment to correct asymmetrical teeth is not unusual in teens due to simple adolescent changes.

If braces are recommended, your child's dental habits are more important than ever.

  • • Certain foods such as caramel and popcorn may become restricted due to their sticky and destructive nature.
    • Your child will need your help in practicing good dental hygiene habits every day. Brushing and flossing are paramount for those who have braces because food particles and plaque can easily get trapped in the wires.
    • Regular dental cleanings are a necessary step to a better smile.

Without these healthy habits, the time and money spent on braces may be wasted and your child might have to go through the process again.

Orthodontic treatment may seem intimidating, but the results are a straight and sparkling smile.